
Hello Beautiful World!

I was just wondering why nobody's spent any time on my site today when I remembered I hadn't posted anything supremely witty and/or funny. My day began with nauseau and vomit*. Always a sure sign of a fan-TAS-tic morning. After three hours of that, I managed to down a bowl of hot soup and off to work! I'm a trooper! (and I'm also stupid. And Worldgineer tells me I'm wasting my youth. I'd like to see him puke all morning and then bounce off to work happy as a lark!)

So, for you hunter gatherers of information, here's a new word:

Fleer: to laugh or grimace in a coarse derisive manner, to sneer.

Used in a sentence it would look like this:

Worldgineer has been fleering my youth lately. But he's not so old himself. I don't know what he has to fleer about! I'm fleering right now about the fact that he can't juggle anymore (or maybe he never could! fleer, fleer).

*[I'm not pregnant. I just ate too much breaded shrimp last night.]

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Blogger Worldgineer said...

Fleer away. I was including you in the old crowd, but I re-read your last post and now I see you must be under 28. //But he's not so old himself.// Old enough not to be America's Idol. At least in name. I've never seen the show, but don't like to be excluded from such a title.

5/8/04 13:59  
Blogger k_sra said...

Oh, I see. Well, maybe you could launch the middle-aged idol.

5/8/04 14:27  
Blogger Worldgineer said...

Oh and hello to you too, [k].

5/8/04 14:53  

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