
Seven Things Meme

I stole this off of Diva Drip's page. Give your answers in the comments section or on your own blog:

7 Things I Can Do
  1. Put on muscle in a week
  2. Play guitar
  3. Learn something every day
  4. Sing jazz
  5. Talk ghetto
  6. Write ten thousand words a day
  7. Blow a roll of film on a cute kid or a sunset

7 Things I Can't Do

  1. Eat three squares a day
  2. Use a pick
  3. Remember what I learned yesterday
  4. Sing gospel
  5. Talk trash
  6. Write three thousand good words a day
  7. Pay for developing

7 Things In My Life I Am Grateful For

  1. God
  2. A brain
  3. Good people around me
  4. Any opportunity to show off my brain to the good people around me
  5. Tax refunds
  6. AirBorne (TM)
  7. Forgiveness

7 Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die

  1. Eat some lunch (I'm starving)
  2. Live abroad
  3. Have a good marriage
  4. Write a novel (or two)
  5. Record an album (or two)
  6. Make a film (or two)
  7. Throw pots (on a wheel)

7 People I Would Like To See Answer This Stupid List

  1. You
  2. You
  3. You
  4. You
  5. You
  6. You
  7. And especially you

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    Blogger Tara said...

    7 Things I Can Do

    1. Cross one eye
    2. Sing
    3. Translate my manager's handwriting
    4. Laugh at something that happened years ago
    5. Bellydance
    6. Eat lemons
    7. Go to the theatre myself without feeling an ounce of insecurity

    7 Things I Can't Do

    1. Fix a flat
    2. Eat brown sugar
    3. Drive highways
    4. Play the trombone
    5. Focus on work
    6. Watch any of the reality shows
    7. Not buy anything at Wal-Mart

    7 Things In My Life I Am Grateful For

    1. My family
    2. Myself
    3. My friends
    4. Music
    5. My sense of humor
    6. Seinfeld
    7. Patience

    7 Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die

    1. Go to the UK
    2. Go to Australia
    3. Take part in a meaningful relationship with a guy
    4. Own a house
    5. Learn to drive the highways
    6. Participate in a horror movie
    7. Go swimming in the tropics

    7 People I Would Like To See Answer This Stupid List

    1. Terri Hatcher
    2. Marcia Cross
    3. Nicole Sheridan
    4. James Denton
    5. Eva Longoria
    6. Jesus
    7. And anyone else who wants to

    14/11/05 14:11  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    7 Things I Can Do
    1. Get things off of high shelves
    2. Procrastinate
    3. Curse like a navvy
    4. Part my hair
    5. Care
    6. The Dashing White Sargeant
    7. Get call centre phone jockeys to do my bidding

    Things I Can't Do
    1. Touch my toes
    2. Focus
    3. Sing (though I'm working on it)
    4. Write music
    5. Relax
    6. Smoke hash anymore
    7. Listen to Belle and Sebastian without flying off into a paroxysm of pure, animal rage.

    7 Things In My Life For Which I Am Grateful
    1. My Brain
    2. My Better Half
    3. The fact that I am in the top 10% of the world's population, sorted by income
    5. The Day Today
    6. The Halfbakery
    7. That I can choose

    7 Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die
    1. Sing
    2. Go back to Japan
    3. Write a novel
    4. Not be a lawyer
    5. Not be a lawyer
    6. Not be a lawyer
    7. Be a best man

    15/11/05 05:11  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    swear swear swear...

    15/11/05 05:12  
    Blogger k_sra said...

    So, what was number four, Calum? Swear?

    15/11/05 08:39  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What was number four? Click the great big stupid link to find out.

    15/11/05 09:06  
    Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

    7 Things I can Do

    1. Figure out most software
    2. Draw
    3. Fix most things in my house
    4. Keep in touch with old friends
    5. Remember useless trivia
    6. Drive anywhere and any distance
    7. Plan a fun vacation

    7 Things I Can't Do

    1. Enjoy meetings
    2. Have any interest in my neighbors
    3. Suck up
    4. Play an instrument, though I can fake the piano
    5. Keep my office clean
    6. Read non-fiction
    7. Understand most plastic surgery

    7 Things In My Life I Am Grateful For

    1. My daughter
    2. My wife
    3. My cellphone
    4. Having a job that pays well
    5. My family/friends
    6. Ohio State's national football championship
    7. the Internet

    7 Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die

    1. Vacation in Europe
    2. Start a company
    3. Write a book
    4. Move to a warmer city
    5. Write a script
    6. Have a long retirement
    7. Drive cross country

    and I can't think of anyone I'd like to answer this...

    15/11/05 18:37  
    Blogger Worldgineer said...

    I can help you with Can't Do #2. Pick up a book called Winterdance by Gary Paulsen. I couldn't put the thing down. Also The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. It's past just plain non-fiction - it's historical non-fiction, 2 1/2 words I thought I'd never enjoy.

    16/11/05 09:28  
    Blogger k_sra said...

    Who are you talking to, World?

    16/11/05 09:53  
    Blogger Worldgineer said...

    Oops. [Nicotine], except I meant #6. The only help I have for #2 is for [Nic] to move near me. My neighbors are interesting.

    16/11/05 12:57  
    Blogger Nicotine Jones said...

    Thanks, World...I'll check out those books next time I'm at the library...

    Where are there interesting neighbors? I'll have to move there...Actually, I'd rather just not have neighbors. That would make being a hermit much easier...

    16/11/05 16:11  

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