
SRD - Site Raison D'être

SRD - Site Raison D'être.

(translated accurately from the French, it means: The reason for why your site is.) It is (and I quote) "an acronym to use when describing a website’s primary function or purpose."

(The acronym, SRD, was originally coined by web analytic converter, mymo. He asked that I give him credit. And so I have.)

But it made me wonder: just what is my SRD for this blog? Is it merely to "screw around on the internet with friends" as I glibbly wrote in the comments section? Or is it something deeper? Is it merely to entertain others with fluffy, light-topical information? Or is there a greater meaning to my work. After giving it some serious thought (while eating two slim jims and a peppermint pattie - the peppermint pattie is crucial after two slim jims, believe me) I realized something about this Site's RD. Something that I will now share with you.

The SRD for YLSN(a)ED is Making Me Popular. Or MMP.

Really and truly, the primary function of this website is to MMP (or at least MM think I'm P). And so far, it's working. Obviously, someday I'll have to get a real job and my blogging will slack off and I will lose all the Faithful Readers Required (FRR) by my SRD to actually continue MMP. But until then, I will continue LSN(a)ED just to keep the FRR to fulfill my SRD of MMP. And as my FR, you are R to R this blog and help in it's SRD by adding WC (Witty Comments) at every opportunity.

So, FR, now that I have explained the SRD of YLSN(a)ED, perhaps you can tell me (using WC) what is your SRD? What is the one thing that is crucial to the existence of your blog?

You're the best!

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Blogger Worldgineer said...

It's just what I do when the 'bakery is down or slow. Oh wait, I remember the reason for why my site is. I created an account so that I could comment on your blog. That's C, sometimes missing the W, but generally ED.

9/9/04 13:43  
Blogger arphod said...

I have a blog because I won't write in a journal. Ever. Not because I am too good for it or something; I just won't pick the durned thing up. This medium forces me to write, basically because I have a bunch of friends who are writing, and they're good, and there's no effing way I can accept that without doing it too. I leave off blogging, and I feel guilty, like I've let someone down, and they may never come back. The horror, the horror!

9/9/04 14:39  
Blogger chopper said...

Perhaps my reasons are changing; I don't know. I did already post my SRDs though.

Meta-BlogAtlas OS

9/9/04 15:48  
Blogger El Fid said...

Who you calling sheep, mutton. I am from the Seinfeld school of "a show about nothing." Blogito ergo read it.

9/9/04 20:19  
Blogger honest + popular said...

The truth about me is this: I like to watch. There I said it. Now pull your shades down. Seriously, though, my blog is for me to keep up with people I liketh. It's also there bigtime for me to work on my writing. This is the first time I've ever tried to write (other than goofy e-mails and smack), and I don't mind saying that I'm having fun. Working on my blog (i.d. learning to write) reminds me of how I felt when I first began to learn to draw: everything slows down, nothing is too small or ugly to contemplate, and the only job left is that of faithfully conveying what you "see"- all colored mightily, of course, by your own finite human experience and (hopefully) also by your own wacky personality. You know- put something new into the world. It's thrilling and zen at the same time. It keeps me up at night.

10/9/04 13:50  
Blogger k_sra said...

hp, you are something else. I agree with the color mightily principly and I believe we should work that into our designer shirt line.

10/9/04 14:52  
Blogger Kate said...

I agree with H+P. Blogging gets you in touch with that creative scrap in the right side of your brain. The one that makes you lose yourself so completely in something you're contemplating that you forget the passage of time. It's almost like another conscious state. I feel it more acutely when drawing, but then I'm not good at turning the left side off.

11/9/04 00:46  
Blogger k_sra said...

That's funny, I have trouble even locating the left side of my brain. It's "all right" with me.

11/9/04 11:21  
Blogger Temple said...

Hi k_sra! Wanted to read a bit of you since you were kind enough to stop by. I really have no idea of what you said here....I see acronyms and my mind just goes blank. But, just one thing, don't get a "real" job if you don't have to. Brilliance and happiness come when we create our own world. Ain't that a bitch? ;)

11/9/04 18:46  
Blogger k_sra said...

I think the literal translation of the word "acronym" is "glossy-eyed-stare" from the latin.

No, just kidding, but someday maybe I will create my own world and it will be a kind of (shhh) job that I actually think is fun and fulfilling. I can dream, can't I?

11/9/04 19:13  

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