Some BL we missed
or at least I did. Here's some of what the Random House Dictionary has to say...
blackguard, blackmail, blae, blain, bland (obviously too bland to be remembered), blarney, blastema, blather, blatherskite, blaubok, blazer, bleach, blench, blenny, blepharitis, blight, blintze, blizzard, bloat, blob, blooper, blotch, blotter, blotto, blowzy, blucher.
(definitions added later when I realized how blazy you people really are that you won't look up words for yourself. *rolls eyes*)
blackguard, blackmail, blae, blain, bland (obviously too bland to be remembered), blarney, blastema, blather, blatherskite, blaubok, blazer, bleach, blench, blenny, blepharitis, blight, blintze, blizzard, bloat, blob, blooper, blotch, blotter, blotto, blowzy, blucher.
(definitions added later when I realized how blazy you people really are that you won't look up words for yourself. *rolls eyes*)
Labels: dictionary, interactive, wordplay
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blasé (ok, I looked that one up, but only to check my awful spelling - blazae wasn't in the dictionary)
(Mr. Gineer, I did that, although I was too blazy making the funny e)
blepharitis, blatherskite are words? C'mon, writergirl, now you're just pulling my bleg.
Indeed you did, [half]. Though I did read through your lists for it, I admit I was likely looking for words with z's.
[k] Why do they call you "kveed-ka"?
I added some links for the more uncommon words. And, no, Ellen, I didn't know what a blaubok was either.
Kveedka (or kvitka as my young friend spells it) is the Ukrainian word for flower. It's my nickname round these parts.
Next time can you just add the definitions as roll-over text? All this clicking is making my finger tired.
har har. (sraka.)
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