
Words I Don't Know: 'B'

I just checked the 'B' section of the tiny pocket dictionary that I thought I would know front to back and found the following words that I could not place:

BAC (but I don't feel bad since I can't find the definition they want for this acronym)
BCD (means Binary Coded Decimal. Couldn't find a definition for this either.)
bloc (this one on the other hand is just embarassing that I don't know!)
bodego (Sad. Just sad.)

And that brings us to page 39. 'C' words...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

BCD, Binary Coded Decimal is the encoding of the individual digits of a "normal" aka base 10 number as their individual binary values.

This is different than encoding the entire value of the decimal number as a binary number.

With BCD, the number 35 would be represented in a computer as the two separate values of 0011 and 0001. A pure binary representation of the the decimal value 35 would be 00100011. (32+2+1)

This technique is commonly used for display of data to human beings. Less commonly it's used to input decimal data into a computer.

Here's a sort of a definition that probably won't help much if you're not knowledgeable about digital electronics: What is BCD?

4/11/05 10:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(oops, typo there, the two separate binary nibbles would be 0011 and 0101. What I typed would have represented 31, not 35.)

4/11/05 10:43  
Blogger Koobs said...

I think BAC is Blood Alcohol Content.

It's basically the percentage that your blood "infiltrated" with booze.

4/11/05 14:05  
Blogger Koobs said...

at least that's what I know it as, and I should know. I have a beer bottle permanently in my mouth!

4/11/05 14:06  
Blogger k_sra said...

"BAC" is actually described by Webster as "a simple programming language" whatever that means!

4/11/05 15:17  

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