
Watermelon Cocoa and Bus Breath

You ever have one of those grumpy days where you start out grumpy and very little occurs outside of yourself to change the grump factor? It's one of those days for me. I try to ride low when this happens and keep my head down. "It'll pass" is my favorite motto on days like this one. Of course, I still hold out hope that in about twenty minutes things around me will suddenly turn to sunshine and roses and pull me (even unwillingly) from my duldrums. But as of yet, it hasn't happened. (It's not a necessity, either. Just it would be nice...)
I have two major complaints of the morning and I'd like to share them with you so you can be on the look out. I'm here for you, sharing my wisdom so you don't have to.
1) Bus breath. If you get on a bus and the person behind, beside, before or around you is both a smoker and a cold sufferer, switch seats. If you think smoker's breath is bad, try mixing it with cold breath. It is the most horrendously ungodly combination of odors and since you can't open a window on a bus in winter and you're unlikely to breathe fresh air for some time, get away from the stench. Seriously. Let them be offended. Just go. I sat for ten minutes like an idiot with my scarf around my face trying to "thin out" the smell. Didn't work. Would have been a lot happier if I'd just moved. And the smell always increased exponentially when the man behind me rolled out a juicy cough. I almost vomited, but just managed to keep it in. Dangerous. Just dangerous.
2) Watermelon cocoa. Don't let it happen to you. Just because someone gives you a red and white striped candy cane doesn't mean it tastes like peppermint. I wrecked a perfectly good cup of hot cocoa by stirring in what I thought was a peppermint candy cane. You know how you get yourself all set to taste one thing and then it ends of being something completely different and your brain just can't wrap itself around the puzzle of what is going on? Yeah, that was me five minutes ago. And just for the record, watermelon and chocolate aren't that great together. Seriously. It kinda sucks.
Anyways, hope your day is going better than mine. Don't eat the yellow snow and if you're lucky enough to have sunshine and 50 degree weather please don't complain about it here. I just don't wanna hear what kind of Hawaiian print shirt you'll be wearing to the office Christmas Luau party.

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Blogger Tara said...

In all seriousness, candy canes shouldn't be made with any other flaver EXCEPT peppermint.

That's all I'll say about the matter, but I hope your day does shape up. If not, tomorrow's another day.

16/12/05 10:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The phrase "Watermelon and chocolate" only yielded about 650 hits on Google, so it can't be all that great...although there was a W&C fudge mentioned.

The shirt already has a coffee stain, and I'm wearing my long underwear.

zlbrfu: School of the Silver Zebra form of martial arts

16/12/05 12:29  
Blogger half said...

Watermelon candy cane?! That's just rude.

16/12/05 16:22  
Blogger Girl said...

eewww eeewwwww eeeeeewwwww.

to both.

oh, and add coffee to smokers breath with a side of poor dental hygiene?

poo breath. eurg.

16/12/05 18:52  

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