
Gig Harbor man wins third in world beard contest

Seattle is talking about the competition. My favorite quote in this article is, "We don't stand a chance against the Germans."
I'm waiting for the really juicy stuff: the barber intrigues, the beard steroids and lustre enhancers, wardrobe malfunctions - all the things that make a World Beard and Moustache Competition what it is.

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Blogger El Fid said...

Nobody gonna touch this one, seriously? Ok, here's a secret message: that little housewife with the great coin belt, she looks mean at all times while she dances, no? I mean like there's nothing you could do to pretty up that stern little mug of hers other than smother it in a veil.

And did you notice dag's facial hair? My, my but does he have the weirdest one colored beard or what!? You usually get accent colors, but that thing looked waxed or dyed. Maybe he's a LADY!

12/10/05 22:19  

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