NaNoWriMo, the site that launched a thousand books, apparently has a bonus feature (that I just noticed) to encourage its aspiring novelists: Regional Affiliations! Pods of novelist wannabes gathering in local pubs and coffe shops and swapping gripes and hopes and time-tested month-long-novel-writing tips! This can only mean one thing:
Cleveland NaNo's. I feel them in the air. They are closer than I think. Their bookish brains teaming with off-hand remarks and friendly book-writing ribbery.
In fact they're having a kick off party on the 30th at the Beechwood Library.
Sweet Day in the Morning, this
is going to be fun!
Labels: cleveland, journal, novel, November, writing
I remember my creative writing class social support was fun. And I learned how to edit, which hurt like hell but has benefitted every day ever since.
WV of the day: ftaexztl
Sounds like a drug. I take Ftaexztl to help with my dyslexia.
sounds like fun. didn't know you were a novelist. do tell what you've written on.
I totally tried that. Yup, Brian in a pub, reading away to a bunch of strangers. Not good. No Bueno.
Reading aloud to strangers?? Hell no! Can't imagine subjecting myself to such torture. For them or for me. No no. Locals are good for one thing: hubbub. lots of hubbub. Getting excited about your crappy books and smiling and giggling like kids going on the first field trip of the school year to the interactive zoo/carnival/space park.
I'm in. I can ethically use the new and improved NaNoWriMo logo on my website, too. I only wish it didn't look like some freakish Bay Area jogging pencil thief wearing not much more than his sandals and his DEPENDĀ®s.
//Bay Area jogging pencil thief//
And there's my first character! Ha! : )
I feel like I should look into this and join in the writing frenzy...but then I'll only have fewer reasons to procrastinate. Can't take that away from me...
Good luck to all.
You can say you're going to join, but the procrastinate about that as well. Then you can use all of your normal reasons twice.
Check defective yeti's idea; now that's a brainstorm.
Hehe, good one, El Fid.
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