
Happy Birthday, Lostdog!

I thought lostdog was truly lost, seeing as how I hadn't heard or seen from him in months, but it turns out he wasn't lost at all! Only celebrating his 33rd Birthday (that's 148 in dog years) up at Ben Vrackie (wherever that is). Here's what lostdog had to say:

It was my birthday on the 22nd (woo hoo!), and, as a kind of celebration or something, I decided to run up Ben Vrackie, a local hill/mountain-type thing. Got up really early in the morning to the frostiest day imaginable, with the air full of freezing fog and a bitter, bitter cold all round. Ran up Ben Vrackie(almost a Munroe but not quite) with my Dad's camera, hoping to get some pictures of frosty plants or something but not expecting to see any nice views through the mist. Bizarrely, the mist only went halfway up the mountain, and above it was clear blue skies and a blazing summery sun. It was a really still day, so all the mist and frost just lay on the valley floor, giving some amazing vistas from the summit of the hill. Here's some of the pictures wot I took. Some of the finest scenes I've ever seen, and I had them all to myself. Best birthday present I've ever had, and an excellent way to start my 33rd year.

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Blogger Saint Kansas said...

Like I said below, all the coolest people were born Nov. 22.

29/11/05 10:59  
Blogger gnomethang said...

Very cool, Lostdog.

29/11/05 14:41  
Blogger k_sra said...

Is your birthday the 22nd as well, Kankan? I do agree that lostdog is fabulously cool.

29/11/05 14:46  

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