
Pot Roast

So, after 29 years I managed to do something I've only till now dreamed about...

I made a pot roast!

I know you're probably as excited as I am (with the possible exception of the vegetarians in the room). A real live, honest-to-goodness pot roast (with pot and roast in it!). And now that I have made a pot roast and it even tasted good, I'm crazy to make some more crock pot recipes. I bought six and a half pounds of frozen chicken breast just for this unexpected turn of culinary events.

Wait, backing up. Perhaps many of you do not know to what minimalist accommodations I repair each evening. My kitchen is tiny. And by tiny, I mean, it has no stove. I've been juggling my cooking skills between a microwave, a toaster, a hot plate and a water kettle. I cannot bake anything. And whereas in my heart of cake-loving hearts this is a terrible burden to bear, still, it is not too great a price to pay for freedom of private and affordable living space. I love my pad.

Now, on to the triumphant story at hand...

I had been eyeballing rump roasts since the day my sister presented me (literally made a present of) a one and a half quart crock pot. The only cooking attempt since it's arrival was a rather doomed pile of cranberries I overcooked and then which gloomily garnished Christmas Dinner. Others claimed it was good, and that they couldn't really taste the burnt parts, but none of this was any comfort. I had failed. Again. To cook anything delicious. My culinary skills were right up there with my Java skills... not good.

So when I had finally decided to attempt a roast, it was not without some trepidation. I purchased an English roast, small potatoes and a large Spanish onion and proceeded to cram them into my tiny crock pot. I left for church, just like you are supposed to (seriously, to me, a crock pot cooking means it is Sunday) and returned home that evening to a gurgling, beautifully cooked Angus Beef dinner! Trala!

Now, I'm gathering recipes and have even found a new favorite website. If you have crock pot recipes and would like to share, please do! I'm all ears.

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Blogger Worldgineer said...

I have a great pot roast recipe!

1. Start with 2 cups gluten flour, 1/2 cup flour, mix 3/4 cups vegetable broth...

(ok, I don't remember the actual recipe I used, but this sounds a bit similar)

Congratulations and welcome to the world of crockpottery.

blilfs: Blind Librarians I'd Like to challange to a Friendly game of Soccer

16/1/07 16:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dyed your hair blonde, you made a pot roast...I must say, this is not a promising trend...

16/1/07 20:00  
Blogger k_sra said...

Yes, Dr. Curry, I'm turning into Martha Stew-art.

Worldy, get back to me on that when I have an oven to roast the gluten in... :(

17/1/07 08:02  
Blogger Worldgineer said...

Aw, that recipe has crock pot written all over it (it's in a very small font). Don't make the veggies seperate - throw them in the pot. Cover, turn on, go to church.

17/1/07 10:12  
Blogger Worldgineer said...

Ok fine here's one that sounds even better (though I'd add veggies on top, just on general pot roasting principles).

17/1/07 10:21  
Blogger Tara said...

Yum to infinity! Congratulations on your first pot roast creation! You can also have leftovers the next day which seem to hold more and more flavor each day. Now I need to buy a crock pot. I have a George Forman grill which I use more and more now, but your crock pot ideas sound really good.

17/1/07 10:25  
Blogger "Honestus" - Raymond Charles said...

this makes me think. how would the roast have turned out if you didn't go to church? hmmmm...

19/1/07 23:01  
Anonymous Anne said...

Here's a great recipe for english roast (shoulder cut).

Put a 2 1/2-3lb roast in crockpot. Add a family sized (BIG can)condensed cream of mushroom. Do not add water. Add 1 packet of Lipton onion soup (still in powder form, again don't add water). Throw some baby carrots and cubed red potatoes. Let cook low for 8-12 hours. It's so easy and so good!!

17/5/09 12:25  

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