
SCIOLISM: A Belated Scavenger

Here is my belated addition to last week's scavenger shot word:SCIOLISM. I think I look very knowledgeable peeking out from behind this massive law tome. I also appear to have some kind of a hair halo, which I think adds to my general appearance of smartitude.

Tara helped me out in my tardiness by picking No Regrets as this week's word picker. Thanks, Tara!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a look of intelligence to you in the photo, but it also looks like you're falling asleep. Good photo and good word.

2/4/09 11:44  
Blogger Pamela said...

hard word! But you did it well. I chose Easy to make up for it... ;-)

2/4/09 11:57  
Blogger Churlita said...

Perfect photo for the word. My halo is always a frizz halo. Yours is so much cuter.

2/4/09 12:01  
Blogger Tara said...

Yay, welcome back scholar! Did you have a lovuhly vacation?

You do look like you could teach a class on Labor Certification by the looks of that photo. Well done.

2/4/09 12:54  
Blogger k_sra said...

Thank you, Pamela, for helping us out with that. I think this one had all of our imaginations in knots!

Alien, preggo ladies are as a rule always tired. So astute of you!

Churlita, I used to be SO jealous of the curly-headed girls. Lucky! I think frizz or hair halos are important to keep us from getting too proud of our fantastic good looks. ;)

Tara, I LOVE VACA'S!!! *sigh* We had such a good time. :)
I COULD teach a class on LC's truthfully. I do know that much. It would have to be a class for beginners, though. :P

2/4/09 13:06  
Blogger laura b. said...

Welcome back. I loved the challenge of this word, lots of fun. Your photo is perfect :-)

2/4/09 16:49  
Blogger RC Honestus said...

are you allowed to answer questions in 2009 with a book from 2006? It seems like outdated information... no?

7/4/09 23:36  
Blogger k_sra said...

That's a fair question, RC. I guess there hasn't been any monumental changes since 2006 that my employer considered worth investing the money into another book. The previous copy we owned is from 1992, if that's any indication...

8/4/09 09:02  

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