
So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Saying hello to the world, this one day old is surprisingly alert for someone so fresh faced. Also, he is deliciously adorable. I love his giant hands. Or 'meat hooks', as his uncle lovingly refers to them. It's not my kid. Mine is still tucked away inside waiting for its debut. Happy Scavenger Saturday to everyone.*

*I participate in a weekly scavenger hunt for photos related to a select word. A group of us on the internet make the rounds to see everyone else's photos and comment on how they treated the subject matter. The only rules are 1) post on Saturday (something I often fail to do) and 2) only use pictures you yourself have taken. If you want to join the fun, let us know here!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phew! I was going to say, that was one turbo birth on your part. Well, don't do that again.

Good picture idea.

17/4/09 17:40  
Blogger laura b. said...

Aaawwww! There is nothing fresher than a new baby :-) And he does have big hands!

18/4/09 19:20  
Blogger Tara said...

Yeah, that had me thinking it was the debut of Squiggles at first! A few months early arrival of Squiggles!

A perfect photo for the word, though. Nothing more fresh than a baby!

18/4/09 21:02  
Blogger NoRegrets said...

those are indeed some serious hands.. nice photo

19/4/09 18:43  
Blogger Churlita said...

Awwww. Newborns are so fresh, but not always so clean. Very sweet.

20/4/09 11:36  

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