
All My Hopes Going Down The Sitter

The road to stardom is paved with pitfalls. And potholes. And horse shit.

There is a kink in the plans! El Fid, mother of three that she is, was planning to drive the 16 hours with me from Cleveland to new Orleans. With mini-baby in tow. UNfortunately, her other two boys have a distinct lack of childcare in her wake. Fortunately, she was asking around for babysitters. UNfortunately, they can't get one. So now, I may need to book an emergency flight down to NOLA alone (duhn- DUHN!) and lack the brilliant supervision there that I have enjoyed here thus far. This is not the end of the world. My other sis is waiting with open, hair-spritzing arms. And I am prepared to do whatever it takes. Spend all my money. Lose my job. Whatever happens, I'm going!

But it just won't be the same.

This was gonna be our "crazy sister adventure!" The Thing We Will Talk About For Years. The episode of our lives when we actually did something goofy-silly together and laughed our asses off in the process... This IS our ultimate prank!

Will someone please babysit my sister's two boys? Please. PLEASE!!!


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Blogger Worldgineer said...

Sure. I happen to have an 18 year old forign exchange student sitting at home bored. I'm sure she'd love to watch kids. Do they know french? Anyway, if they don't they will. The only catch is the small trip over to Seattle, but you're driving so much anyway I'm sure you won't mind.

25/8/04 13:37  
Blogger El Fid said...

El Fid is a girl, not a boy? I just thought that with a first name like "El" naturally he was, I mean, she was a boy.

And anyway, what all are you planning? Don't you just go to the place and sing for the people like all the other little hopeful people?

25/8/04 13:54  
Blogger k_sra said...

Well, thank you for asking, el fid. I will post what all I am doing to prepare... Just gimme a sec to put down this Us Weekly.

25/8/04 14:00  

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