

If he's ok with it, then why shouldn't we be?



You never know when this will become necessary.

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March 22 - Saving my pennies.

March 21 - Yeuk: Scottish word for itch.

March 20, 1739 - Nadir Shah steals the jewels of the Peacock Throne in Delhi, India.

March 19 - Unemployed Theo is a waste of precious film, but in a good way...

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(original text)

I dropped my cupcake on the linoleum floor.

(translated by Babelfish from English to German to French to English to Portugeuse to English to French to German... to English)

J'ai transmitted to the falls my small sugar bowls with l'union of the linoleum.



It's enough to make you sick.

You can take the bike away from the man, but you can't take the man away from the bike.

How I love Sarees.

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An Important Service for all multi-linguists.

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I'm an instant artist.

A cactus family.

Mommy, where does squash come from?

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It's good to have a hole in the ground.



MAR 3 - Probably one of the coolest women photojournalists ever.
MAR 2 - Seattle is a strange place.
MAR 1 - Maud Lewis' house.
FEB 29 - Worst of the Best
FEB 28 - What the ****?
FEB 27 - Leaf Lard: Best on the pig. Comes from right around the kidneys. You can pull out the sheaves by hand.
FEB 26 - The incredible viscocity of pitch.
FEB 25 - Scala Santa: 28 stairs in Rome, believed to have originated in the house of Pontius Pilate where Jesus descended on his way to crucifixion. Pilgrims climb the stairs on their knees
FEB 24 - You can't power a car with cheese.
FEB 23 - Need to look at something restful?
FEB 21 - Yeah, but they have free medical.
FEB 20 - The halfbakery stop words are...
FEB 19 - Pica: A compulsion to eat things not normally consumed as food.
FEB 18 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 - 1859)
FEB 17 - Delta 32: A gene mutation that can resist AIDS.
FEB 16 - Footle: to talk or act foolishly, to waste time.
FEB 15 - 1965: Canada adopts the red and white maple leaf design for their flag.
FEB 14 - [phoenix] sent me a valentine! Thank you, [phoenix].
FEB 12 - Font yourself.
FEB 11 - Trifurcate: To branch into three branches.
FEB 10 - inter pocula: At one's cups.
FEB 9 - Supererogation: Beyond the call of duty.
FEB 6 - Stercus accidit: Into each life some shit must fall.
FEB 5 - Ticketyboo: everything's in order.
FEB 4 - Viking's used discarded sheep's wool as toilet (loo) paper.
FEB 2 - Morocco GDP
FEB 1 - Exiguous: excessively scanty.
JAN 31 - Jelly Belly Flavors.
JAN 30 - [Worldgineer] has a mini-blog. I like to think I inspired him.
JAN 29 - 1845 - The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is published for the first time.
JAN 28 - Koan: Zen Buddhist paradox used for meditation.
JAN 27 - Smack the penguin (you heard me).
JAN 26 - Quaere verum: Seek the truth.
JAN 25 - Tergiversation: Evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement. Equivocation.
JAN 24 - [waugsqueke] plays keyboard and bass (probably not simultaneously).
JAN 23 - Ciliary muscles focus the lens in your eye.
JAN 22 - Check out the Top Guns.
JAN 21 - Proust was prolific just before his death (damn him).
JAN 20 - Alt + F4 closes all open windows.
JAN 16 - Creepy how good this stuff is.
JAN 15 - http://www.geocities.com/mnstr_2000/translate.html
JAN 14 - Mini kites are our friends:
JAN 13 - A flick on the neck is Russian shorthand for drinking.
JAN 12 - Wood frogs can sustain being frozen (almost) solid all winter.
JAN 11 - Houdini was buff.
JAN 10 - The true Beauties.
JAN 9 - "Night Cover" by Michael Lewin is the 10th book on the 10th shelf. It's not very good...
JAN 8 - For those sleepless nights.
JAN 7 - Shhh!
JAN 6 - All that jerky jerky hitching nonsense is bad for the back.
JAN 5 - Draw something.
JAN 3 - It's hard to put on gloves while holding a cup of coffee.
JAN 2 - The sun is getting bigger.
DEC 23-30 - I would just like to thank the chickens in Asia for making this flu possible.
DEC 22 - A Judas goat leads hunters to groups of feral goats.
DEC 18 - A [Bartlebooth] page.
DEC 17 - Tuesday night is Camel night!
DEC 17 - Traitors!
DEC 15 - New words from [travis]: agenerator, an, angele, anoter, apare, appropiat, becaus, betwee,buch, buisness, carberator, carburator, circits, circiut, commpressing, construcion, contatianer, cylcle, diamater, diods, easyer, ect centerec, efficientcies, ejecor, elctrolyte, elecrodes, eletrons, eninge, fild, fram, gass, grammer, growning, howver, ich, ignight, instesad, laim, mesure, metels, nessasary, papper, paralell, parralell, permanetly, powere, pressurt, puttening, quarz, runing, sapce, sarry, satilite, semiconducor, shoul, sillicon, slites, solarcelles, squeazed, squeez, stam, stilring, stoke, stoper, substrait, sumerging, tecniq, temperture, thinkin, throug, to day, ulra, vaporixe, wen
DEC 14 - US Police recruits must be sprayed in the face with pepper spray as part of their training.
DEC 12 - Snowglobe
DEC 11 - Klein bottles: who knew?
DEC 10 - GastroIntestinal Stasis: The Silent Bunny Killer.
DEC 5 - "th" is a fricative consonant.
DEC 4 - Crash dummies have wet paint on their heads to show collision points in the car.
DEC 2 - The Boss and his brass monkey moved to another floor. *sigh*
DEC 1 - neodymium gauss: medicinal magnet.
NOV 30 - Surej, chand, tara: Hindi for sun, moon, stars.
NOV 28 - Butler, PA. Population 275,000.
NOV 26 - Aww. How cute!
NOV 25 - Peloton: Bohemian glass or a densely packed group of bikers.
NOV 22 - The horror!
NOV 21 - Now we know.
NOV 20 - Saw a woman with nametag: Joan W. Boring.
NOV 19 - Hot chocolate chip cookies lack tensile strength.
NOV 18 - Never heard this one at night.
NOV 17 - String theory for dummies.
NOV 8 - John Milton died on this day in 1672.
NOV 7 - Australia has compulsory voting.
NOV 6 - Numkeen: Hindi for salty snacks.
NOV 5 - current favorite HalfBakery post.
NOV 4 - Jank the labour: (Scottish) To waste time at work.
OCT 31 - Mr. Potato Head
OCT 28 - Conkers conquers all.
OCT 24 - United Nations Day
OCT 23 - How 404 is done.
OCT 22 - Featherless chicken
OCT 21 - Wooden Mirror
OCT 21 - Computer clothes
OCT 20 - a turnip
OCT 19 - tomatoes can grow upside down.
OCT 17 - I must laugh at you now.
OCT 15 - Danny Ocean
OCT 8 - Phineas Gage, 1848, survived a railroad spike through the head, but had marked personality changes after.
OCT 6 - It is a waste of time to breathe during a ten second race.
OCT 4 - Cows and lightning are a bad mix.
SEP 27 - Samual Adams born this day, 1722.
SEP 24 - Fishbones are made of bone.
SEP 23 - I can now juggle one ball.
SEP 22 - [Detly] misses [PeterSealy].
SEP 18 - received my official HB pencil in the mail.
SEP 17 - Boricua: What Puerto Ricans call themselves
SEP 16 - Cutty Sark: a big boat
SEP 11 - Mengele Monster: A cheesy Japanese film character and notorious Nazi concentration camp doctor.
SEP 9 - short story
SEP 8 - It's rather good.
SEP 4 - All we are is dust in the wind.
AUG 26 - Fly ashtray homepage
AUG 20 - Naff - (British slang) Cheap or in poor taste.
AUG 19 - Ad Hominem: Flaming an opponent to make their argument look weaker.
AUG 16 - Twenty-six is a lot like twenty-five.
AUG 14 - Electricity - you don't appreciate it till you lose it.
AUG 12 - Delirium tremens: potentially fatal form of alcohol withdrawal.
AUG 11 - I am on [thecat]'s black list.
AUG 10 - I am on [motive power]'s favorites list.
JULY 31 - I'm sure I learned something... It's not easy keeping a list.
JULY 30 - Cleaning out two hundred lockers is hard work.
JULY 29 - I can clean out forty lockers in an hour. Damn I'm good.
JULY 27 - I just learned that I am blogging. uh oh.
JULY 26 - A sad story.
JULY 25 - ipsitive: not in the dictionary...
JULY 24 - My new favorite poem.
JULY 22 - Today my first ever googlewhack: sanguinely rubberized.
JULY 21 - A fish.
JULY 20 - omoshiroi - Japanese for interesting. Literally "thinking white."
JULY 19 - Buda is uptown, Pest is the ghetto.
JULY 18 - 'Amante' is Italian for 'lover.'
JULY 17 - Some JEEP's have sparkles on the steering wheels.
JULY 16 - HA, HA, HA!
JULY 15 - Vegemite on the molecular level.
JULY 14 - sansculotte: radicals of the French Revolution.
JULY 13 - Connecticut has the US' oldest continually operating amusement park.
JULY 12 - Someone out there is having sex with dolphins.
JULY 11 - Greasy, salty food is the quickest fix for a migraine.
JULY 10 - Dr. Curry is reading this page!
JULY 9 - You cannot fuel a torpedo with bananas.
JULY 8 - If we had One World Government we might get every day off as a National Holiday!
JULY 7 - Discipline is necessary for a life of excellence.
JULY 6 - USSR formed on this day in 1923.
JULY 5 - This is sweet pea.
JULY 4 - If you cut the tendon on your finger, the finger curls inward.
JULY 3 - Hot coals are walkable because their heat transference is low.
JULY 2 - The ultimate tricycle!
JULY 1 - "putzfrau" is German for cleaning lady.
JUNE 30 - National Blonde Day in the US.

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Cleveland Skyline

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