
Tag, you're it.

Tara did NOT tag me. So I had to tag myself. (Truthfully, I've been so out of the blog-lane that no one should tag me for anything because I can't be trusted.) But here we go.

Ten of Life's Simple Pleasures

1. A good cold beer on a hot day.
2. The sound of air conditioning running on a hot day.
3. Being able to sleep through a hot night.
4. Hot kisses from a hot man on a hot night.
5. Red hots till your mouth is numb.
6. NOT coming down with a cold when you're feeling not-so-hot.
7. Singing full voice in front of an audience and sounding hot hot hot!
8. Stomping barefoot through a puddle of Summer rain on a hot day.
9. Margarita's with your best girl friend on a hot day.
10. Knowing that even in the hottest month another nephew is on his way.

And you know I want you all to add a thing or two to the list...

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Bird Side Story

I've decided to name the bird Elloise. I'm not even sure why. But she looks kind of old-fashioned and nervous as I would imagine a woman named Elloise to be. She let me take her picture, but with great reluctance. Here are the beginnings of my friendship with Elloise the mourning dove who lives in my window.

Elloise sits nervously behind the dirty window pane as I snap the very first photo.

She watches me from the neighboring housetop as I approach her eggs with my camera.

Elloise' two young eggs glow like jewels in the afternoon sun.

She approaches the house again, checking to see that her eggs are safe. After many fly-bys and attempted landings she finally settles in. I have to frighten her away so that I can close the window and give her privacy.

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Where Are Your Clothes From?

Don't ask me how I became curious about the origins of my clothing today, but I was:

Shirt: US (Northern Mariana Islands)
Bra: China
Skirt: Hong Kong
Underwear: Israel
Shoes: India
Glasses: Italy

Feel like baring all? Let me know where your clothes are from.

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Every Woman's Nightmare

I squirmed reading this. Another great reason for multi-party government.

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Noble Lives On

I recently moved away from the place where my friend (and erstwhile lover) Noble Maloof resides. We no longer share a daily bus. Or passionate glances full of meaning. It seemed that when I moved to the other side of town that Noble was gone forever from my life.
But then I saw him yesterday. Unexpectedly.
I was pasting stamps onto some office correspondence for my not-as-boring desk job, minding my own business, when I look up and who should be shuffling toward the coffee and sandwich stand, but my very own Noble. My jaw dropped. This was too much. I gathered up my postage and shoved it back into my bag and stood unsteadily and approached him. He was adding a sugar to his cup of black coffee.
"Hello, Noble!"
This greeting fell on deaf ears. I leaned in closer.
"Hello, Noble!"
He turned slowly and glazed eyes looked right through me. After a moment of blank stare he seemed to recall something.
"Do you remember me?" I asked, "We used to ride the bus together."
"Oh yes, of course." He glanced off to the right and down, "I knew I remembered you from the RTA. What are you doing here?" He asked the question with so much annoyance that I felt kind of sorry I'd walked up to him.
"I work here," I said.
"Since when?" he said.
"Since February," I said.
"Oh." Here there was a pause which had come to typify my conversations with Noble. "Your first name is Sarah," he mused, "and your surname name is..." I held my breath wondering what he might come up with, "... Crestmont?" He looked me in the eye.
"Hoagland," I corrected gently. "It's Hoagland."
He looked vaguely uncomfortable like a dog that had been thrown in for a swim against its will.
"Well, how am I to remember your surname when you don't call me?" He looked hurt. "I gave you my number, but you never gave me yours!" Here he glanced around the atrium. "You should call me sometime. Since I can't call you."
I squinted my eyes. Noble, Noble. You've been such a source of amusement for a year and then some and yet somehow I've managed to hurt your feelings in the process. "I will call."
"How do you expect me to remember your name when you won't call me?"
"I will call."
He gave a slight grunt and a nod of self-vindication. "Call me," he said. He looked around and moved toward a table. "Sit down and have a coffee with me why don't you?"
"I'm sorry, I can't. I'm running errands and I have to get back."
"Oh, alright."
"Good luck with your research!" I called after him as he ambled away, coffe in hand.
And that's when I realized something was amiss. He didn't have his cabby hat on. He was sporting a dark blue baseball cap with an obscure logo which I didn't notice till it was too late.
What was on that cap and where was his cabby hat?
I headed out into the heat of a late May day.

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Brings Luck

How fortunate am I to have received an ancient Chinese proverb via hexed chain letter in my e-mail? This is truly a momentous ocassion. But instead of sending to twenty of my friends as I was commanded. I'm just going to make you all read it and hope it gets to twenty individuals. I hope you all will take this very seriously and send out twenty copies of your own!

Here we are informed that this Chinese proverb comes from Netherlands. Will wonders never cease!

Ah! Carlos. That morality tale all wrapped up in a little Spaniard! Good thing he changed his mind, huh?

So four days from now I am going to receive my little piece of good luck! Let's see, that's Saturday...

What? One day? Now I'm confused. Is my good luck coming Wednesday or Saturday? Those Chinese-Dutch sure can confuse a person.

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Miami in the Springtime

Thought you might enjoy this foto from my recent trip to Florida. Though the picture is small (It's from my phone), It tells an interesting story. If you look carefully, you can see a line of wheelchairs so long it turns a corner. It was taken at the airport. One gate had so many elderly going home that the pre-board took longer than loading the rest of the plane.

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Dove Days of Summer

I have a problem. There is a beautiful little brown bird in my windowsill. I tried very hard over the last week and a half to discourage her from building her nest in my windowsill, as I will need to open that window to fan in fresh air when Cleveland finally heats up. I live in the attic. It gets warm. But despite my best efforts, the little brown bird insisted that this was indeed where she needed to be and after I dumped out her nest three times I came home to find her sitting on a patchy little nest of twigs and two small, pink eggs. I let out a deep sigh. Now it was a moral dilemma: to kill or not to kill.

I frightened her away several times just to get a better look at her brood. The two eggs, about the size of plump olives, sat side by side, with their creamy pink shells, glowing translucent in the reflected afternoon light. What was I do with these two marvels and the patient mother bird who now waited out of eye-shot till I retreated from her nest? I closed the window and thought.

I will swelter in the heat of coming days before this bird and her young have left. I could try to move the nest to some other locale; a nearby jutty or ledge somewhere else on the house top. I could upend the nest and let it drop three stories, killing the new eggs and displacing the mother. I could remove the eggs and decorate them as pysanka (that one gave me a chuckle when I thought of it. Trying to decorate miniscule eggs is funny to me for some reason). None of these alternatives were that appealing. Fortunately, it's still cool enough to keep the window closed. I went to work and weighed my options. I looked it up on my computer and found a picture: It was a mourning dove. A common enough bird.
I told a coworker about the bird. She seemed enthusiastic. "Oh, how lucky you are! That bird chose you for some reason." "Excuse me?" I responded. "Yes," she said, "You have an animal totem. Would you like to know what the dove means?" I stammered a response and this petite woman rushed to her office computer and began her search of the mystical meaning of the little brown dove in my window. "It's gestation period is four to five weeks," she shouted from her desk, "here, I'll print it out for you." A long pause from her office and then I hear her say, "Oh." And then, "Oh!" "What did you find?" I was all curiosity at this point. "You'd better come see this," she said. I stood behind her as she read the mystical Native-American interpretation of the dove. In a serious, clear, reverant voice.

"The dove holds the qualities of home, security and maternal instincts. Many with this totem will experience unsettling childhood's."

(whew, I thought, good thing I've already gotten the unsettling childhood out of
the way...)
"The legends and lore surrounding the dove associates it with many goddesses and it is considered the embodiment of the maternal instinct. The brood of dove consists of two eggs. Two represents the creative and feminine energies. Home and family are important to those with this totem and life lessons will be most predominant in these areas. "

Here the woman looked up at me with a mock "uh-oh" face. I just smiled. "Looks like you'll be getting married soon!" (Oh, geez. I'll be sure not to tell that to my boyfriend!) "And getting pregnant!" (Or that!)
"Since the dove is a ground feeder and eats mostly seeds those with this totem would benefit from a diet rich in wholesome seeds, nuts and grains. They would also do well in any health profession relating to nutrition."
"Like your granola bars," she added over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes and she continued.
"The dove's song is its most distinctive feature. It can be heard throughout the day. The mourning coo of the Dove reflects hidden emotions stored within those who carry this medicine. How you perceive its sound often reflects the energies that are playing out in your life."

(a beautiful thought, actually. The dove's call was open to interpretation and I had experienced sometimes with joy and sometimes with longing for whatever it was the bird seemed to be calling for.)
"When dove appears it is asking us to go within and release our emotional discord, be it of the past or the present. It assists us in releasing trauma stored within our cellular memory. Humming can aid in this release."
We both laughed. "If you catch me humming in the office," I said, "you can only blame yourself."

She continued,
"Doves hold the energy of promise. When inner turmoil is cleared from our thoughts, words and feelings, the possibility of good fortune awaits us. In order to receive the gifts the doves bestows on us healing on all levels is paramount."

So there, you have it, folks. My little mourning dove is a good omen of healing and change. And motherhood. Dear God.

On the other hand, doves are also a lovely symbol of peace, recovery, and blessing. So, I may have to move to a cooler room of the house as the weather heats up, but I am going to let the dove have the windowsill and I am going to take her as a sign.

Pictures and story to follow.

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Dance Dance Baby

Monday is a good day for dancing!

(thanks to honestus for the blog fodder.)

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Where I am.

I am currently writing a few film reviews. Feel free to join me...

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Car Wash

I washed my car today. But not like the Australian government. I took a less submersive approach.

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Soccer Balls

Seriously, wouldn't you rather just pretend you hadn't been hurt?

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Recent Egg-Samples

Pysankas of the hour. Copied on scanner.

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Conversation with my Blog

Yes, Blog. I know you're there. I know you have been waiting silently, patiently for my return. I know I have at times been far away and have given little to no explanation. I am sorry. And even though you accept that my life is changing I can tell you want me back. You speak to me sometimes at night when I am going to sleep and you tell me how much you miss me and I feel a tinge of guilt as I pull my covers higher over my face to shut you out. I have a different life now: a car, a boyfriend, occasionally, even regular income. I want to come back to you. I do -- to have again what we once had, but I don't know if that is possible. At least not in the same way.

I know you're unhappy. You don't even have to say it. I can feel it. And what's more, I'm unhappy, too. I want us to be the best team we can be. I want us to try. I want this to work. For better or worse, Blog, I think we were meant to be.

So I've taken the liberty of getting you something. It's not much and I know you deserve much more, but I hope you will take it as a gesture of how much I care about you. You mean a great deal to me. Let's give our love another chance...

I found this on the side of the road on my way to an Indians game. It reminded me of us. Well, actually it reminded me of Found Magazine. But before I send it to them, I wanted you to have it.

See? I really do care.

I once had a crush on a boy with the initials D.M. I used to call him "my sweet poison" because seeing him would throw my insides into such heights of earth-rendering emotion. I feel your pain, girlfriend. I hope your note to self worked for you (before you crumpled it up and threw it into the street) and that you eventually stopped bugging Ms. Davidson about D.M.

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Guy Kewney, I presume?

If you haven't seen this absolutely wonderful clip of a cabbie hustled in off the street and onto a BBC set for an interview in a case of mistaken identity, you need to see it!

Glorious humanity, and what a brave show the cab driver puts on!

(found via Salachair)

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Stapler Competition

Who wants a mini Red Swingline Stapler with a box of mini staples?

All you have to do to get it is fulfill this e-list with the required objects/people/places. First person who emails or comments with a completed working list wins.

Get ready? GO!

BUSTER Keaton behind BARS
The actual price of TEA in China
A famous man in a red HAT
Month of SUN days
Girl kissing TEDDY GEIGER
Girl named TILLEY
An ISRAELI contractor
Cat in a LOFT BED
OLD MEN playing POOL
George Bush PUZZLE
COOL looking GANG of thugs

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Sweeping Generalization Thursday

It's not Thursday.

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This is an audio post


I Now Have An Answer

You know those silly questionaires that get sent around the world and back where they ask you what your first car was?
I finally (finally) have a real answer:

(specs: 1995 Volvo 850 GLT, 48,000 miles,
leather seats, sunroof, great condition.
One very happy driver!)

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