So, after 29 years I managed to do something I've only till now dreamed about...
I made a pot roast!
I know you're probably as excited as I am (with the possible exception of the vegetarians in the room). A real live, honest-to-goodness pot roast (with pot and roast in it!). And now that I have made a pot roast and it even tasted good, I'm crazy to make some more crock pot recipes. I bought six and a half pounds of frozen chicken breast just for this unexpected turn of culinary events.
Wait, backing up. Perhaps many of you do not know to what minimalist
accommodations I repair each evening. My kitchen is tiny. And by tiny, I mean, it has no stove. I've been juggling my cooking skills between a microwave, a toaster, a hot plate and a water kettle. I cannot bake anything. And whereas in my heart of cake-loving hearts this is a terrible burden to bear, still, it is not too great a price to pay for freedom of private and affordable living space. I love my pad.
Now, on to the triumphant story at hand...
I had been eyeballing rump roasts since the day my sister presented me (literally made a present of) a one and a half quart crock pot. The only cooking attempt since it's arrival was a rather doomed pile of cranberries I overcooked and then which gloomily garnished Christmas Dinner. Others claimed it was good, and that they couldn't really taste the burnt parts, but none of this was any comfort. I had failed. Again. To cook anything delicious. My culinary skills were right up there with my Java skills... not good.
So when I had finally decided to attempt a roast, it was not without some trepidation. I purchased an English roast, small potatoes and a large Spanish onion and proceeded to cram them into my tiny crock pot. I left for church, just like you are supposed to (seriously, to me, a crock pot cooking means it is Sunday) and returned home that evening to a gurgling, beautifully cooked Angus Beef dinner!
Now, I'm gathering
recipes and have even found
a new favorite website. If you have crock pot recipes and would like to share, please do! I'm all ears.
Labels: cooking, food, journal, website