Anatomy Fun!

Here's what barnzenen
won in last time's
Caption Contest:
But, shhh, don't tell him,
because he hasn't received
it yet in the mail!
It's foamy! : )
Labels: culture, journal, philosophy, wellness
Labels: game, humor, interactive, work
Labels: blogging
Labels: humor, journal, technology, video, work
Labels: culture, humor, interactive, website
Person 1: Knock knock.
Person 2: Who's there?
Person 1: Control freak.
Person 1: Now you say "control freak who?"
Q: Why can't engineers tell jokes timing?
Q. Why can't the Buddha vacuum in the corner?
A. Because he has no attatchments.
Labels: humor
Labels: caption, contest, interactive
Koobs said...
"Everybody ready to set sail for the Bermuda Love Triangle?"
El Fid said...
"Ladies, I'm afraid you'll have to return those towels to your cabins before disembarking."
normzone said...
Robert and David reassured Paul "It doesn't hurt one bit" as he began his ascent to the Transexor machine.
We also learned the father of the child traditionally cuts the umbilical cord. "Why?" I asked, upon hearing this. Our teacher seemed confused by the question, so I clarified. "I mean, is there an actual reason for the father to do it -- like, because he's standing right there anyhow, and the midwife's hands are full -- or is this just a feel-good measure to make the husband feel useful, so, later, with the guys, he can be all, like, 'dude, I totally helped out with that birth!'" The teacher conceded that the latter was the case. Knowing that the cord cutting is purely ceremonial, I've decided to go whole hog. I plan to wear a suit with a sash that reads "DAD," and proclaim "I declare this baby to be ... born!" while cutting the cord with a giant pair of scissors.
Labels: interactive, video, website
Labels: interactive, photos
Labels: childhood, dictionary, kids, weird, wellness
I found this recipe for Ksra Bread on the internet today. Don't ask me why I was looking for ksra recipes on the internet. It's none of your business.
I should definitely try to make this sometime and then regale you all with the disastrous results. Here's the recipe:
This tasty flat bread is usually made to be eaten with tagine, a spicy Moroccan stew. Original recipe yield: 2 loaves.
7/8 cup water
2 1/4 cups bread flour
3/4 cup semolina flour
1 teaspoon anise seed
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon white sugar
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon sesame seeds (optional)
Place the first set of ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Select DOUGH cycle; press Start. Do not put the olive oil or sesame seeds in.
When the dough cycle signals its end, remove the dough from the machine, and punch down. Divide the dough into two halves, and shape into balls. Flatten the balls to a 3/4 inch thickness. Place them on a lightly floured baking sheet. Cover with towels, and let rise until double in size, about 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Brush the top of each loaf with olive oil, and sprinkle with sesame seeds if you like. Prick the tops of the loaves with a fork.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the loaves are golden, and sound hollow when tapped. Serve warm or cool.
Labels: animals, interactive, photos, random
Labels: entertainers, humor, website
Labels: caption, contest, interactive
mymo said...
Damn, it feels good to be a Frenchman.
barnzenen said...
While smiling, John thinks to himself, "Do I yes! I will undo another button!"
Joel said...
"Oh, go ahead and laugh. But we'll see who's lauging in a week when the sprouts start to grow."
Tara said...
Since hearing about the breakup of Barbie and Ken, Bob is finally ready to sweep Barbie off her pointy feet.
Labels: animals, interactive, journal, website
Steve DeGroof won last month's Caption Contest with a witty retort about terrorism and chose as his prize an original song composed on the topic of his choice. Steve mentioned Manatee Kidneys and then vetoed it for the slightly less desirable topic of guy's who like girls with balls...
I realize this isn't technically what Steve asked for, but I used my get out of jail free card to avoid singing the song he wanted. Besides, Manatee Kidneys ? Who could resist?
Labels: animals, interactive, photoshop, website
Labels: dictionary
Labels: friends, interactive, website, wordplay
So-You-Can-See-The Sunrise
ingredients: 4 ounces cranberry juice
2 1/2 ounces orange juice
Squeeze of fresh lemon juice
Ginger Ale
how to mix: Blend the juices with ice until smooth and pour into a tall 12 ounce glass. Top with ginger ale, Garnish with a fruit stick and serve with a straw. Serve in a tall 12 ounce glass.
Labels: cooking, interactive, journal
"Today we had some hot weather, but not too hot. Hot enough to be kind of humid, too, but also there was a slight breeze. That made the hot less hot. There's always a little breeze, but today there was more than just a little. The lady at the bus stop said that, too, that there was a little bit of breeze and it was nice, cuz otherwise the day would be really hot and too hot is not good. Last week we had a day that was really hot. AND there was no breeze. Not even a little bit of one. And there usually is one, at least a little bit of one. It was so hot I didn't even want to go to out. I asked my mom if I could turn on the air conditioning unit in the living room. I had to turn it on early enough so that my bedroom would be cool, too. Because if my room isn't cool enough I can't sleep. It's too hot to sleep sometimes, so I turn on the air conditioning unit in the living room. It's the only one I have. I don't have one in my bedroom. Anyways, it doesn't really matter except on days when it is TOO hot like that day last week I was just talking about when we didn't have any breeze and it got hot. Right now I'm just sitting here in my living room (but the air conditioning unit is not on right now because there is a breeze and it is cool enough for now so we don't need it on) and I am writing this post so my friends at school can keep in touch with me during the summer. Hey guys. I would be outside right now except I ran out of asthma meds."
Labels: blogging, friends, interactive, writing
You may now submit your wittiest captions ever for this photo stolen straight off the pages of Handknits for Young Moderns.
We're all vying for fantastic prizes here, people!
Fantastic Prizes!
Labels: caption, contest, interactive, photos
Labels: game, interactive, journal, puzzle, website
Hi, I'm probably the guy who is responsible for all the hits from South Africa. My name is Andrew. You have a very entertaining blog, and I enjoy reading it- I guess that's my only quest. I live in the very beautiful city of Cape Town, on the southern tip of Africa, and my favourite color is probably a deep, sea blue. I thought I should write after seeing your blog entry as I know what incurable curiosity can feel like. I've sent you a picture that I took from an airplane of Mount Kiliminjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, on a recent trip to Kenya. If you would like to know any more info on life in South Africa, I would be happy to share.
Best regards,
Labels: blogging, friends, interactive, travel, writing
If, as you live your life, you find yourself mentally composing blog entries about it, post this exact same sentence in your weblog.
Labels: art, birthday, drawing, interactive, journal
Steve DeGroof with his entry...
"Remember kids, if you can't wear ugly
sweaters and eat marshmallows off long forks, then the terrorists have won."
Anonymous said...
"Man, that guy at eHarmony does not lie! You guys are perfect for each other!"
Steve DeGroof said...
"Communists look just like everyone else. Can you tell which one is the communist? Is it him? Or him? Or maybe her? Or is it YOU?"
Anonymous said...
"Yes, he may look the same, feel the same, even dress the same. But if that litmus test marshmallow turns pink, burn him like a motherf*cker."
Labels: food, game, interactive, science, trivia
Labels: cooking, food, interactive, test
Labels: cleveland, entertainers, journal, music, photos